It is the determination of BRCA residents that the Covanta corporation did not provide sufficient information to the residents that submitted questions for review regarding the plan. Here is a copy of the questions and answers: http://www.bristolresidents.org/pdf/CovantaAnswers.pdf
Covanta tells Bristol residents that burning medical trash won’t worsen air pollution https://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-news-connecticut-bristol-covanta-20210715-lssbduxdjbcthifca625lu3sbe-story.html?fbclid=IwAR3UssyPBlk5bJzs5TDXBb7oFi6e1c-oIH_KwGDsTR3JyVAWQUv1_fizotc
Covanta to be fined $80K for Bristol safety violations | Hartford Business Journal