On Friday, January 31 the General Assembly’s Environment Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 80, An Act Concerning the Burning of Medical Waste. This bill would close a loophole that would allow Reworld to burn medical waste without having to follow EPA federal emissions standards for a medical waste incinerator. EPA holds medical waste incinerators to more stringent standards because medical waste contains a high fraction of materials including plastics that release toxic emissions including when burnt. These emissions include dioxins, PFAS, and heavy metals, which accumulate in the environment and in our bodies and cause a range of serious and fatal illnesses […]
Meeting 1/21 on DEEP recommendation and legislative action
On January 21 at 6:30 PM, BRCA will be holding a meeting to discuss DEEP’s recent (1/16) recommendation to approve issuing a new permit to burn biomedical waste and renewing permits at Reworld’s Bristol incinerator with no added air or noise pollution or infection control safeguards. Join us to learn what this means for you and how you can help area legislators stop this dangerous proposal. Sign up for the meeting here! (Zoom signup link)
Flyers and images to share
Post the flyer below to build awareness about the public hearing on 11/7. A strong turnout will send the message that burning medical waste does not belong in Bristol! In addition, feel free to repost the images below on your social media.
Hearing rescheduled, comment period extended
The public hearing on the draft permits to allow the burning of medical waste at Reworld’s Bristol incinerator, as well as on the renewal of the existing air and noise pollution permits, has been rescheduled. The new date is Thursday, November 7 at 6:30 PM. The hearing will be held by Zoom, with registration is required. Click here to sign up to speak. The deadline to submit written comments on the draft permits is now Monday, November 18, at 5:00 PM. Click here to send in comments. If you have not signed up to speak or sent in comments, please […]
Special meeting on incinerator noise pollution and medical waste burning in Plainville
The Plainville Town Council will hold a special meeting on Monday, September 9, 2024 to discuss the proposal to burn biomedical waste at Reworld’s incinerator in southeast Bristol and the noise pollution that that facility has been subjecting area residents to. The meeting will be held at the Municipal Center, Council Chambers and will begin at 7 PM. An agenda is here: https://www.plainvillect.com/sites/g/files/vyhlif4866/f/agendas/tc_9-9-24_special_meeting_agenda.pdf If you care about these issues, please turn out!
Hearing scheduled and comment period extended
On Wednesday, September 7, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) held a conference of the parties, which included BRCA and Reworld (Covanta). At this meeting:
Public comments on the draft permits are DUE 8/5
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection has released draft permits that would allow the incineration of biomedical waste in Bristol.Comments on the permits are due August 5, 2024. To submit comments, use our convenient form at https://form.jotform.com/242075706678061, or send an e-mail to brent.madho@ct.gov and dave.lariviere@ct.gov. Please feel free to forward your submission to or cc your elected officials. For reference, BRCA has issued a press release on this matter. The draft permits are available at the State’s website.