Bristol Residents for Clean Air (BRCA) is a group of volunteers who came together out of concerns for their health, the environment, and the future of their community. BRCA is open to residents of Bristol, surrounding communities, and anybody who shares our goal to protect our air and our health.
On July 5, 2024, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released draft permits that would allow Reworld, Inc. (formerly Covanta) to burn medical waste in Bristol. In exchange for this expansion, DEEP is not requiring any new emissions controls or testing, nor are they requiring that the incinerator correct existing permit violations as relate to noise pollution. BRCA is working to stop this one-sided proposal, which would result in Bristol becoming home to one of the largest medical waste incineration operations in the country.
For further information, please contact:
Jodie Bechard-Maro
Mike Ewall